How toTemporarily Disable McAfee Real-time Scanning
If you something troubling you and you are not able to
download or install the program you want on your device, them some antivirus
program may prevent you from doing so. Also, if you are having difficulties
connecting to download and install updates, or cannot connect to receive acknowledgments
or e-file returns, real-time Scanning or the anti-virus software such as McAfee
that you’ve been using on your device, may be blocking the Tax-Slayer program
from letting these functions perform.
It may be required at that moment for you to temporarily
disable your real-time scanning or anti-virus software to conclude if this is
what is creating the connection issues. However, most anti-virus programs that
you are using on your computer are likely to show up on your Windows Taskbar
next to the clock. Though, most of the
programs are going to allow you to right click on the icon and select the 'Turn
Off,' or 'Disable' option. If you can’t
find this option on your device, you will then need to open your anti-virus
software (McAfee) and disable it.
Disable McAfee
Real-Time Scanning Temporarily
Follow the simple but effective process given below to
temporarily disable your McAfee Antivirus on your device:
1. First of
all, you will need to find the red "M" icon. You will get it at the
bottom-right corner of your Windows Desktop. Click it.
2. Then select
the Change Settings option.
3. And tap on
the Real-time Scanning option from the menu.
5. Here you
will be able to specify when you want real-time Scanning to resume.
Note: We highly recommend selecting “When I start My PC” in the
drop-down menu.
6. Then all you
need to do is tapping the Turn Off button to confirm your section.
Your McAfee Antivirus has now
successfully been deactivated until you restart your computer.
Thank you for reading this article; I hope the information
provided above will be useful to you.
Edward Lewis is a creative person who has been
writing blogs and articles about cyber security. He writes about the
latest updates regarding
and how it can improve the work
experience of users. His articles have been published in many popular
e-magazines, blogs and websites.
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